Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Mercedes Juarez Spiritual Life Coach Love Health & Romance

Life as you call it, and are unaware of selfish actions that can be applied on to others, brings upon scams in the minds and the hearts of family, friends and associates alike. This is not common to those who live in the light (I did not say those who stay in the light!)
Once you are subconsciously aware of what is needed do not allow yourself to inconvenient others around you as to the suffering of your own! Besides falling as to getting back up is a soul that is commonly called not appreciating the first spirit called Love.
Being in control of others does not gratitude the space that has been allowed to you, as this is only an outlet no more within the law itself! Having respect for self must be shown towards those who live in their life without the complicating of others during the daytime itself, this places the heart as well as the brain on a day job inclined to the, as with the law
Communicating during hours of when your discipline is being controlled , threw the career , Allows your new soul to surface as too surrendering the old will called (con man brain )Moving into a physical new position as well as job description puts you in the world were you cannot contend or pretend to play!
Most knowing this , still want to wiggle their ways and means etc. out of a responsible living and life but demand the style when outside, as well as in!
Playing these games on others, places self on a different level that can make your 5 senses arrive to the understanding of light. Once this is understood you then realize the game itself was and has been played on you, then leaving you with a negative attitude, after explaining why! (This you already know) All then is lost, because when moving up!!! Leave YOURSELF IN FALL LIGHTS , as Autumn Leaves Arrives to save you and your faith hope and charity to the shifting of a whole new world becoming new.
Don’t look for a person place or thing to put shit on! The blame is on you entirely as to respecting those who are responsible remember, they see you on your way up! This now stopping the interference of a soul whose spirit rejected or rejects the first spirit of love!
Once this respect is delivered the soul manifests itself in the light as a jewel. Holding your head up high (Remembering there are no hearses in the sky!) as the crown sits on the head (not the tail)
Autumn Leaves are preparing for Autumn Lights.

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