Saturday, December 29, 2012


Never a thing should come between you and your love of Christ

Meaning the way that life was given to you as a protection against the time that you know nothing about.

You have not been included because the demons hide the truth that you have not seen in others but Threw others they want their demons to present itself as LOVE.

You cannot approach or concern yourself with this as the realm that is what fed this demon called PURPOSE

Now with all that mustered attention given .

What leaves fall?

Do your own homework.  Meaning you now crave like the demon that hide your truth called Love

And now the same attention that they wanted from you

You now want from the Demon

And love cannot feed HIM


Hating your esteem

Not acknowledging your worth  or time or time in a half

Just assuming face value so that they can maintain the level of poverty of what they want .

Leaving their devil as a Superstar!