Friday, June 16, 2017

The Evolving Woman

Evolving as a woman of worth as her fruits of the spirit, flling in what is called the time within the space that was given , this stops or stopping the negative persons as well as negative energies that want called a greed for the lights soul.
Understanding that this can block the woman of purpose as from seeing into a physical realm that which she has already recieved, Thus the block called a Faith block!
Many woman having faith blockers, are common to recieving but still giving praise to a Past! Not a Present! That which makes them stuck, as well as unbelievers to a system that works for them!
Faith Hope and Charity Blockers are stuck in a past.
The woman who worth evolves are only a reminder of a Present, One that many themselves dont want to face.
Simply due to their own present called their past! A face that they carry all day!
However the woman of worth evolving facing the present with faith ,hope,charity!
She is not ashamed or hiding her evolution called evolving worth.
She does not evolve threw evil or evilness as to another womans worth earth!
She remembers that her evil ways and means have slided slivered her into a emptiness called being just that a Block!
Not a building block
As this can be the same in males referred to as a man
Blocking is what they do!
However as the evolving woman knows not to associate of friend a woman or man like this.
They only want the present to live in their Past!
The present referring to any man/woman
They are still looking for supporter or still recuiting
However they have been blocked from life as well as others living

Now their lifestyle has been placed outside the woman evolving in her life and living.

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