Monday, January 14, 2013


Spring will be here soon as the new love era begins and the old love is forgotten our bodies as well as our spirits take on its toll! Loving whether it’s old or new for that matter is an essence of one’s soul*let it manifest into a healthy frame of body mind & spirit. Do not let old baggage overwhelm you day by day leading to stress! That was last year!  this is the year  of  you allowing  your yourself  the spiritual  growth to get into  a healthy Spring ! And here’s how 1. Allow yourself to Listen yes I said Listen, listen to what your body needs * This winter could had been hard on your body* and you will be amazed of how your body warns you of this (don’t wait until you hit the Beach this summer and you have ache and pains or scars or bruises*) Listen to your body when you bend sit or stand or maybe walk run or drive your car. Spring is a healing time a time for Growth! So don’t brush aside those little kinks* that you might feel no matter what age growth is essential be it mind body or soul * 2. Respect that when you don’t attend to your body needs it will lash back at you! (You heard the signs of growth) 3. This is tricky because if you are in the know you have a regimen that you have or will follow to maintain your health no matter what time of the year, However if you don’t it time to get one that’s right for you and easy to maintain But which shows you fast results. Now health is an area of dispensing  negative energy which with some have led to physical ailments* Health is also a polarized source of nature where fruits and botanical herbs grow that which can enhance and maintain a healthy regimen Knowing this allows yourself Growth of how to and what you should do as the Spring arrives be it for your knees thighs elbows(ladies) or for your feet toes skin(face) This leads to Love* Most people feel as if they must have love to love themselves or to take care of themselves  or they Basically need the love of (Man/Woman) To want to take care of themselves. Whatever the case might be Love is a vitamin for Ones great health it’s always there just waiting for you to invite it in (Love) Just like Health, Love has signs that which allows you to distinguish the Good from the Bad from the Ugly. And a healthy state of mind body & soul can open up a realm that deception cannot rule in because your health will reject it! Yes stress is based on what your heart knows is wrong but your mind won’t follow or vice versa in some cases

However Love wants & needs good health* (You want a Healthily Love Life?)  Make it simply yes means yes And No means no! Meaning the less you stress trying to make a no to a yes the more time you get to give love and receive love back. Spring into love knowing and applying it to your love (life) do not mislead yourself physically (Health*) into a negative love relationship which can and will lead to stress and bad health! Not to mention a negative energy or (vibe) which others* can see and feel. Who wants to be with or around a person like this?  Because they cannot have their way in their Love life or relationship(s) they exhibit negative behavior (energy) and don’t forget this can become dangerous to your Health! Romance is very important than most people think Romance is knowing how a person thinks more than a sexually liaison shown threw male or female (gender) Romance is time that lasts and lasts without being aware people are romantically connected to others over the period of years Romance is to Remember !  Saying that allows ones Love LIFE AND /OR RELATIONSHIP NOT TO DISAPPEAR! Deep within the realm of reality(*I being the receiver or giver) wants the love /relationship to last  not for the Past to always remind both man &woman of bad times of cheating etc. so romance has its own context it is the last thing to end in any relationship or love. And if you never had romance (Where was the Love!)   Spring into Health Love & Romance



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