Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Love Committment

The Love Commitment has begun! as well as Love Health and Romance! Not just for self but as also for the family, this commitment places those selfish within love ,think of others like family all under the commitment as not to having disrespect others as well as their family! Yes what has this world come too! Being dressed as a spiritual being however does not allow the disrespecting of another or their family etc* This however opens up the Pandora box of who and what the newly or unseemly spiritually dressed person is or was or demonizes! However their own self destruction is underway as they themselves take a look back on their box in panorama view! Receiving the dressing called the spiritual help, is not to be taken likely, as that's why the discipline /obedience is strongly written as in all posts! However the commitment to oneself as not to fall back into what one called an traditional malice or jealousy or hate trait is not only demonized, it is what calls back vices that can harm the one who traditional places malice , jealousy , or hate into others.Stopping this tradition as not allowing faith,hope,charity to be used in what applies to them is no other than the pitiful feeling that lies within them. They now have to feel that feeling called life*
This quieting what was out of control as well as taken advantage of threw what they call a family tradition or simply a tradition.Their feeling now being kept in called furnace! that seeks a flesh to accommodation love health and romance. Learning why the commitment was made ,breaking a family tradition,or a tradition, one only has to take the panorama view or just keep their Pandora box open. whichever one. one is for them as the other is what others witness Keeping it all a secret is minding your own business etc* as well as learning to live in Peace with Joy and Harmony! But for some this is hard to do as they still dispense a family tradition or a tradition of malice to others. Well now that they are back in what is called their feelings as to being quiet, non expressive that is! and that stops a lot of hate. hope and faith now can surface as it did for them as well as for others, yes who are deserving of what dressing is for them! spiritually! The charity has already begun stopping their jealous minds as now they are back in what Pandora box had for them leaving them in their own furnace for Time.

Now seeing what Time can do. or is it what some do with their TIME!
Keeping yourself busy is one thing but minding your business is another all in all the purpose is told now allowing the will to unfold

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Knowing as well as the mind can perceive however believing is a whole other matter that some need to feel as now their physical awareness called the flesh cannot repel. Leaving what is called an negative zone as in the flesh but not in the mind , due to an environment or community has been addressed several times over, now only downsized to what is called the self referring to the individual wanting to be in what is called a neo soul zone living in one decade as well as socializing in another or vice verse but however not cultivating due to bad vibes that contain negative spirits, so as not to referring to the neo soul music which is quite beautiful!
Now those comfortable in what is called their flesh as long as being able to understand others minds and as a result not planting seeds in what is stable and structure called secure! However these individuals somehow get lost in a negative soul, As their spirit fight for the life and living as well as supporting their negative soul friend etc* lifestyle. Some however wake up to understanding that they were just being used or were  they? Their brain powered housed this negative entity that somehow made them feel like an celebrity or a star in a community or an environment rather both.
Now as some have been clean, however still feeling the need to bud into what is called other's atmosphere or hemispheres , must be careful as to allow their soul to be maintain as threw love of what they themselves don't cherish be it their own heart or brain!
Now once allowing this to manifest thus their spirit now cannot and will repel the negative zone of allowing an negative soul to chariot them into theirs or another's  con etc* leaving them with family and or friends who are for their heart and brain, all together loving their body as a whole!

Those now accepting both now understands that society now cannot be negatively effected by those negative hearts as well as brains ,who brand or name you as under an generation realm!
Now living in a new time called integrity  respect pride and dignity that blocks out what seed which was planted throughout generations.placing those nomore in what earth realm was desired by the ones in the negative realm. Seeing now that their soul and spirit have moved on without them in their souls system as well as in what spirit that carries them. Now placing those in acceptance into a Omega where sense they can never come back.
Peace and Blessings Integrity Dignity Pride Respect